Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Ramblings of a Bored Mom....

I became a mother of the sweetest little boy a little less than 6 months ago, and my how my life has changed!  I don’t know how many of you are mothers and what your lives were before but man life seems to have completely turned around for me.  I went from working a part time job and being a full time student to barely working 1 day a week and a part time student and a full time mother.  

Being a wife, student, worker and mother is tiresome but some days I just feel like I can’t get myself to do anything.  Motivation goes out the window when all my baby wants me to do is sit down and cuddle with him, and come on how can you resist cuddling with a baby that smells so good and is warm, especially on those really cold days.  You would think I’m busy out of my mind but that is not really the case, even when all the homework is done, the laundry is washed and put away and the baby is sleeping there is still so much time left in the day.  Here are a few things I like to do in the time where there is “nothing” to do:
  • Watch Netflix, there are many different shows on there that are great but others that may just make you cry if it involves a baby or a perfect mother.
  • Pinterest, it can keep you busy for hours which may or may not be a good thing
  • If you like to read than that would also be a good option, but where I’m a student that never seems like any fun after reading a textbook.
  • I’ve tried to be crafty but well I’ve had more started projects than actually finished projects, so my advice would be once you start it be diligent and finish, make time for that one project and then you’ll be finished soon and have something to show for it.

On a different note we have started to try to wean the baby from strictly BF to formula.  I never knew how emotionally hard it would be but oh my goodness every time I think of my little boy not coming to me directly for comfort and food every 2-3 hours my heart sinks.  I know I know I could just keep BF but I can’t bring myself to BF a baby with teeth, YOUCH!  With the chewing and drooling of my little boy I’m nervous it could happen any day now which makes me want to be done.

Even though life is harder than anticipated I wouldn’t change it for the world. I have the best husband who works so hard at school and work to support us and the cutest little chunk of a baby (I’m just biased), I don’t think life can get much better than this.


  1. Yay! Excited to read your updates!

  2. its not biased. its factual. he is. the. cutest.

  3. Im a stay at home mom to. It may seem easy to some, but it really gets exausting. Like you said. those days when all your babe wants is your full attention, you can't get anything done. But it's totally worth it. Being a momma is the best! And your little boy is adorably plump :)
    this is maddee by the way :)
